
E-mail address:lijunf@mail.tsinghua.edu.cn








1987~1989 北京大学力学系助教、党委委员、团委书记;

1993~1995 9999js金沙老品牌工程力学系博士后;

1995~1996 9999js金沙老品牌工程力学系讲师;

1996~1999 9999js金沙老品牌工程力学系副教授;

1998~1999 在英国Surrey大学参加研制“航天清华1号”卫星,负责姿态控制系统;

1999~2004 9999js金沙老品牌工程力学系教授;

2003~2004 9999js金沙老品牌工程力学系教授、系副主任;

2004~2011 9999js金沙老品牌教授、航空系主任;

2011~2012 9999js金沙老品牌教授、副院长;

2012~2020 9999js金沙老品牌教授、党委书记;

2019~2020 9999js金沙老品牌副教务长、教务处处长、9999js金沙老品牌教授;

2020~至今 9999js金沙老品牌行健书院院长、9999js金沙老品牌教授。


曾任:9999js金沙老品牌教学委员会副主任、教授提名委员会委员;中国空间科学学会常务理事及空间机械委员会副主任、中国力学学会动力学与控制委员会副主任、《力学与实践》主编、《宇航学报》常务编委,以及《力学学报》、《Theoretical & Applied Mechanics Letters》、《动力学与控制学报》等编委。

现任:9999js金沙老品牌校务委员会委员;中国力学学会常务理事、教育工作委员会主任;中国宇航学会空间控制委员会副主任,中国科学技术协会动力学与控制学科首席科普专家,中国高等教育学会创新创业教育分会副理事长,教育部力学专业教学指导委员会副主任,国务院学位委员会力学学科评议组成员及秘书长;《IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems》Associate Editor,以及《中国科学》、《深空探测学报》、《空间科学学报》、《空间控制技术与应用》等编委。






1. 张永隆, 闫翛然, 李俊峰,曾祥远. 小行星2016 HO3表面动力学环境分析及采样挑战. 力学与实践, 2021, 43(5):6.

2. 武迪, 程林, 王伟, 李俊峰. 基于切换系统的小推力轨迹优化协态初始化方法. 深空探测学报, 2021, 8(5): 528-533

3. 巩浩然, 武迪, 龚胜平,李俊峰. 用给定转角分步实现刚体任意有限转动的研究. 力学与实践, 2021, 43(3):4.

4. 罗亚中, 李俊峰, 高扬,李九天. 基于"专家型"竞赛的航天创新人才培养模式与实践. 力学与实践, 2021.

5. 李俊峰. 成长动力学. 力学与实践,2020,42(2):242-248

6. 李俊峰. 成长动力学(续). 力学与实践,2020,42(6):811-814

7. 李俊峰, 高永丽, 王晓晶. 制度保障学风传承 价值引领教研创新——大学教学文化建设与研究. 中国大学教学, 2020(4):83-88

8. 程林,蒋方华,李俊峰. 深度学习在飞行器动力学与控制中的应用研究综述. 力学与实践,2020,42(3):267-276

9. 王秀红,崔文,李俊峰,何雨帆,李海晶.一种校准编目定轨初始速度的方法. 力学与实践,2020,42(2):163-169

10. 蓝磊,李俊峰. 柯伊伯带小行星平运动共振研究. 力学与实践,2019,41(6):643-648

11. 刘俊丽,李俊峰.全国周培源大学生力学竞赛发展历程. 力学与实践,2019,41(3):357-365

12. 叶志明,李俊峰,王世斌,吴志强,陈立群,杨骁,武建华,黄毅. 基础力学课程教材及教学体系分析(一)——国内基础力学教材基本情况简述. 力学与实践,2019,41(3):314-319

13. 叶志明,李俊峰,王世斌,吴志强,陈立群,杨骁,武建华,黄毅. 基础力学课程教材及教学体系分析(二)——国外理论力学教材及教学体系分析. 力学与实践,2019,41(5):579-587

14. 叶志明,李俊峰,王世斌,吴志强,陈立群,杨骁,武建华,黄毅. 基础力学课程教材及教学体系分析(三)——国外材料力学教材及教学体系分析. 力学与实践,2019,41(6):688-698

15. 闫翛然, 李俊峰. YORP效应机理研究与小行星自转状态演化仿真. 中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学, 2019, 49(8):12.

16. 张韵, 李俊峰. 小行星的物理性质与结构演化研究进展. 中国科学:物理学、力学、天文学, 2019, 49(8):15.

17. 姜薇, 蒋方华, 李俊峰. 近距离航天器间碰撞概率线性模型的解析修正. 9999js金沙老品牌学报, 2019(9):7.

18. 鄂智博, 李俊峰. 遥感卫星对区域目标可见性的快速计算方法. 9999js金沙老品牌学报, 2019(9):6.

19. 李俊峰. 9999js金沙老品牌钱学森班的理论力学教学实践. 力学与实践,2018,40(4):422-427

20. 陈莉丹, 谢剑锋, 李俊峰,等. 多目标多约束组合体与飞船轨道维持优化. 宇航学报, 2018, 39(7):8.

21. 刘军华,李俊峰. 关于刚体角速度的认识与思考. 力学与实践,2018,40(1):75-78

22. 姜宇,李俊峰. 小天体平衡点之谜. 力学与实践,2017,39(5):509-515

23. 李俊峰,曾祥远. 不规则小行星引力场内的飞行动力学.力学进展,2017,47(1):429-451

24. 张韵, 刘岩, 李俊峰. 小行星防御动能撞击效果评估. 深空探测学报, 2017, 004(001):51-57.

25. 倪彦硕, 施伟璜, 杨洪伟,宝音贺西,李俊峰. 利用Breakwell间距比法制定行星际探测中途修正策略. 深空探测学报, 2016(1):7.

26. 李俊峰,曾祥远,张韵.小行星的奇特动力学. 力学与实践,2016,38(6):603-611

27. 李俊峰. 从动力学角度看力系等效与简化. 力学与实践,2016,38(1):78-79

28. 苗楠,王天舒,李俊峰. 微重环境下液体晃动研究进展. 力学与实践,2016,38(3):229-236

29. 苗楠, 李俊峰, 王天舒. 横向激励下液体大幅晃动建模分析. 宇航学报, 2016, 37(3):7.

30. 胡天健, 王天舒, 李俊峰,等. 基于互补问题描述单边接触的空间机器人动力学建模与数值仿真. 北京大学学报,2016(4):7.

31. 王秀红, 李俊峰, 高彦平,等. 基于虚拟测距的单星光学监测空间目标定轨方法. 光学精密工程, 2016, 24(7):9.

32. 曾祥远, 李俊峰, 刘向东. 不规则小天体引力场内的广义甩摆轨道. 深空探测学报, 2016(1):5.

33. 张韵,李俊峰. 旋转的沙堡. 力学与实践,2015,37(4):549-551

34. 张韵,李俊峰. 碎石堆小行星的散体动力学建模与仿真方法综述. 力学学报,2015,47(1):1-7

35. 王雪瑶,龚胜平,李俊峰,彭坤,马晓兵. 基于快速交会特殊点变轨策略的航天器发射窗口分析. 载人航天, 2015, 21 (6):553-559

36. 曾祥远, 龚胜平, 李俊峰,等. 应用太阳帆悬停探测哑铃形小行星. 深空探测学报, 2015, 000(001):48-52.

37. 倪彦硕, 宝音贺西, 李俊峰. 考虑太阳摄动的小行星附近轨道动力学. 深空探测学报, 2014, 1(1):8.

38. 曾祥远 龚胜平 高云峰 宝音贺西 李俊峰.非理想太阳帆航天器时间最优交会任务. 9999js金沙老品牌学报,2014 (9):1240-1244

39. 赵静,柳宁,吴斌,李俊峰,黄伟芬,赵东明. 中性浮力和失重环境人体运动仿真比较研究. 载人航天, 2014, 20 (6):517-527

40. 贺晶, 龚胜平, 李俊峰. 利用逃逸能量的太阳帆最快交会轨迹优化. 深空探测学报, 2014, 001(001):60-66.

41. 李俊峰. 提升教学能力,践行育人使命. 中国大学教学, 2014(9):3.

42. 陈杨,宝音贺西,李俊峰. 考虑功率约束的太阳能电推进轨道优化设计. 9999js金沙老品牌学报,2013,53 (10):1498-1502

43. 黄岸毅,宝音,李俊峰. 一种组合体航天器帆板的光照遮挡计算新方法. 载人航天, 2013, 19 (5):1-5

44. 王秀红, 李俊峰, 王彦荣. 天基照相机监测空间目标定轨方法及精度分析. 光学精密工程, 2013, 021(006):1394-1403.

45. 龚胜平,李俊峰,李京阳. 基于双体模型下载人登月返回转移轨道特性分析. 载人航天, 2012, 18 (6):20-26

46. 陈杨,宝音贺西,李俊峰. 木星探测轨道分析与设计. Acta Astronomica Sinica, 2012, 53 (2):106-118

47. 崔文,宝音贺西,李俊峰. 利用小行星视线矢量的火星探测光学自主导航研究. 力学学报,2012, 44 (6):1075-1078

48. 曾祥远 宝音贺西 李俊峰 龚胜平. 太阳帆新型逆向周期轨道. 9999js金沙老品牌学报,2012,52(1):118-121

49. 李俊峰,崔文,宝音贺西. 深空探测自主导航技术综述. 力学与实践,2012, 34 (2):1-9

50. 马庆甜 李俊峰 宝音贺西. 横向连续推力小偏心率人工冻结轨道设计. 空间科学学报,2012, 32 (4):555-559


1.Liu Chao , Gong Shengping , Li Junfeng. Stability time-scale prediction for main-belt asteroids using neural networks.Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 2021, 502 (4):5362-5369

2.E Zhibo , Shi Renhe , Gan Lan , Baoyin Hexi , Li Junfeng. Multi-satellites imaging scheduling using individual reconfiguration based integer coding genetic algorithm.Acta astronautica, 2021, 178: 645-657

3.Wu Di , Wang Wei , Jiang Fanghua , Li Junfeng.Minimum-time low-thrust many-revolution geocentric trajectories with analytical costates initialization. Aerospace science and technology, 2021, 119:107146

4.Wu, Di ; Jiang, Fanghua ; Li, Junfeng.Warm Start for Low-Thrust Trajectory Optimization via Switched System.Journal of guidance, control, and dynamics, 2021, 44 (9):1700-1706

5.Wu Di , Cheng Lin , Jiang Fanghua , Li Junfeng. Rapid generation of low-thrust many-revolution earth-center trajectories based on analytical state-based control. Acta Astronautica, 2021, 187:338-347

6.Zhang Yonglong, Li Junfeng, Zeng Xiangyuan. The dynamical environments analysis of surface particles for different shaped asteroids. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 2021, 67(10):3328-3342.

7.Zhang Yonglong, Li Junfeng, Zeng Xiangyuan, Wen Tongge, Li Ziwen.High-fidelity landing simulation of small body landers: Modeling and mass distribution effects on bouncing motion. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2021, 119

8.Lin Cheng, Fanghua Jiang, Zhenbo Wang, Junfeng Li. Multi-Constrained Real-Time Entry Guidance Using Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2021, 57(1)

9.Gong Haoran , Gong Shengping , Li Junfeng. Pursuit-Evasion Game for Satellites Based on Continuous Thrust Reachable Domain.IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems, 2020, 56 (6):4626-4637

10.Di Wu, Lin Cheng, Junfeng, Li. Warm-Start Multi-Homotopic Optimization for Low-Thrust many-revolution Trajectories. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020,56(6)

11.Liu Chao, Gong Shengping), Li JunFeng. Stability of the coplanar planetary four-body system. RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2020, 20(9)

12.Sun Hao, Li Junfeng. Analysis on reachable set for spacecraft relative motion under low-thrust. AUTOMATICA  2020, 115

13.Zhemin Chi, Di Wu, Fanghua Jiang, and Junfeng Li. Optimization of Variable-Specific-Impulse Gravity-Assist Trajectories. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2020, 57(3): 291-299

14.Lin Cheng, Zhenbo Wang, Fanghua Jiang, Junfeng Li. Fast Generation of Optimal Asteroid Landing Trajectories Using Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2020,56(4): 2642-2655

15.Lin Cheng, Wang Zhenbo, Jiang Fanghua, Junfeng Li. An Identifier-Actor-Optimizer Policy Learning Architecture for Optimal Control of Continuous-Time Nonlinear Systems. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy,2020, 63(6)

16.Feng, Ruoyu ; Zhang, Peng ; Li, Junfeng ; Baoyin, Hexi. Kinetic and Dynamic Modeling of Single ActuatorWave-Like Robot. Robotica, 2019, 37 (11):1971-1986

17.Lin Cheng, Zhenbo Wang, Fanghua Jiang, Chengyang Zhou. Real-Time Optimal Control for Spacecraft Orbit Transfer via Multi-Scale Deep Neural Networks. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2019, 55(5):2436-2450.

18.Hao Sun, Junfeng Li. Application of Topological Degree Theory to the Equilibrium Point in Irregular Gravitational Field. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems, 2019, 18(2): 629-642.

19.Chi Zhemin, Li Haiyang, Jiang Fanghua, Li Junfeng. Power-limited low-thrust trajectory optimization with operation point detection, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2018.5.18, 363(6)

20.Tang Gao, Jiang Fanghua, Li Junfeng. Fuel-optimal low-thrust trajectory optimization using indirect method and successive convex programming, IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems. 2018, 54 (4):2053-2066

21.Jiang Wei, Li Junfeng, Jiang Fanghua*, and Bernelli-Zazzera Franco. A Simple Method to Design Non-Collision Relative Orbits for Close Spacecraft Formation Flying, Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018,61(5)

22.Ni Yanshuo, Turitsyn Konstantin, Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng. Entropy method of measuring and evaluating periodicity of quasi-periodic trajectories. Science China-Physics Mechanics & Astronomy, 2018, 61(6)

23.Lan, Lei; Wang, Xianyu; Baoyin, Hexi; Li, Junfeng(*), Effect of temporary resonance with heterogeneous Itokawa, Astrophysics and Space Science, 2018, 363(10)

24.Lan Lei, Ni Yanshuo, Jiang Yu, Li Junfeng. Motion of Moonlet in the Binary System 243 Ida. Acta Mechanica Sinica,2018.02, 34(1):214~224

25.Jiang Yu, Schmidt Juergen, Baoyin Hexi, Li Hengnian, Li Junfeng. Hamiltonian Formulation and Perturbations for Dust Motion around Cometary Nuclei, Earth Moon and Planets, 2017, 120(3): 17-168.

26.Jiang Fanghua, Tang Gao, Li Junfeng. Improving low-thrust trajectory optimization by adjoint estimation with shape-based path, Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics, 2017, 40(12): 3280-3287

27.Lan Lei, Wang Xianyu, Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng. Bifurcation of Equilibrium Points in the Potential of Heterogeneous Itokawa. Monthly notices of the royal astronomical society, 2017, 470(3): 3417-3426

28.Chi Zhemin,Yang Hongwei,Chen Shiyu,Li Junfeng. Homotopy method for optimization of

variable-specific-impulse low-thrust trajectories,ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE,2017.11,362(11)

29.Lan Lei,Yang Hongwei,Baoyin Hexi,Li, Junfeng. Retrograde near-circular periodic orbits near

equatorial planes of small irregular bodies,ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE,2017.9,362(9)

30.Zhang Yun,Richardson Derek C,Barnouin Olivier S,Li Junfeng. Creep stability of the proposed AIDA mission target 65803 Didymos: I. Discrete cohesionless granular physics model. ICARUS, 2017,  294: 98-123

31.Hu Tianjin,Wang Tianshu,Li Junfeng. Gradient Projection of Weighted Jacobian Matrix Method for Inverse Kinematics of a Space Robot With a Controlled-Floating Base. JOURNAL OF DYNAMIC SYSTEMS MEASUREMENT AND CONTROL-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME, 2017,  139(5)

32.Hu Tianjian,Zhu Xiaojun,Wang Xueqian, Li Junfeng. Human stochastic closed-loop behavior for master-slave teleoperation using multi-leap-motion sensor. SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2017,  60(3): 374-384

33.Lan Lei,Yang Mo,Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng. The periodic dynamics of the irregular heterogeneous celestial bodies. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2017,  362(2)

34.Miao Nan,Li Junfeng,Wang Tianshu. Equivalent mechanical model of large-amplitude liquid sloshing under time-dependent lateral excitations in low-gravity conditions. JOURNAL OF SOUND AND VIBRATION, 2017,  386: 421-432

35.Zeng Xiangyuan,Liu Xiangdong,Li Junfeng. Extension of the rotating dipole model with oblateness of both primaries. RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2017,  17(1)

36.Jiang Yu,Zhang Yun,Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng. Dynamical configurations of celestial systems comprised of multiple irregular bodies. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2016,  361(9)

37.Hu Tianjian,Wang Tianshu,Li Junfeng. Obstacle Avoidance for Redundant Manipulators Utilizing a Backward Quadratic Search Algorithm. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED ROBOTIC SYSTEMS, 2016,  13

38.Zeng Xiangyuan,Fang Baodong,Li Junfeng. eneralized flyby trajectories around elongated minor celestial bodies as a rotating mass dipole. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA, 2016,  32(3): 535-545

39.Zeng Xiangyuan,Gong Shengping,Li Junfeng. Solar Sail Body-Fixed Hovering over Elongated Asteroids. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 2016,  39(6): 1223-1231

40.Wang Tianshu,Miao Nan,Li Junfeng. Large-Amplitude Sloshing Analysis and Equivalent Mechanical Modeling in Spherical Tanks of Spacecraft. JOURNAL OF SPACECRAFT AND ROCKETS, 2016, 53(3): 500-506

41.Wang Xiuhong,Li Junfeng,Du Xinpeng .Orbital correlation of space objects based on orbital elements. RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS, 2016,  16 ( 3)

42.Hu Tianjian,Gong Shengping,Mu Junshan, Li Junfeng. Switch programming of reflectivity control devices for the coupled dynamics of a solar sail. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 2016,   57(5): 1147-1158

43.Liu Zhuangzhuang,Wang Tianshu,Li Junfeng. Non-intrusive hybrid interval method for uncertain nonlinear systems using derivative information. ACTA MECHANICA SINICA , 2016,  32(1): 170-180

44.Wang Xianyu,Li Junfeng,Gong Shengping. Bifurcation of equilibrium points in the potential field of asteroid 101955 Bennu.MONTHLY NOTICES OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETY,   2016, 455(4): 3724-3734

45.Zeng Xiangyuan,Baoyin Hexi,Li Junfeng. Updated rotating mass dipole with oblateness of one primary (II): out-of-plane equilibria and their stability. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE , 2016, 361(1)

46.Zeng Xiangyuan,Baoyin Hexi,Li Junfeng. Updated rotating mass dipole with oblateness of one primary(I): equilibria in the equator and their stability . ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE , 2016, 361(1)

47.Cai Xingshan, Li Junfeng, Gong Shengping. Solar sailing trajectory optimization with planetary gravity assist.  SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2015,  58( 1)

48.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Solar sail periodic orbits in the elliptic restricted three-body problem. CELESTIAL MECHANICS & DYNAMICAL ASTRONOMY , 2015,  121( 2): 121-137

49.Gong Shengping, Li, Junfeng. Equilibria near asteroids for solar sails with reflection control devices.

ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2015,  355( 2): 213-223

50.Zhang Zhiguo, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Lorentz force time-optimal transfer trajectory design in Jovian magnetic field. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH , 2015 , 55(4): 1061-1073

51.Zeng Xiangyuan,Jiang Fanghua,Li Junfeng. Study on the connection between the rotating mass dipole and natural elongated bodies. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE , 2015,  356(1): 29-42

52.Liu ZhuangZhuang, Wang TianShu, Li JunFeng. A trigonometric interval method for dynamic response analysis of uncertain nonlinear systems. SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,   2015, 58(4)

53.Zeng Xiangyuan,Jiang Fanghua,Li Junfeng. Asteroid body-fixed hovering using nonideal solar sails. RESEARCH IN ASTRONOMY AND ASTROPHYSICS , 2015 , 15(4): 597-607

54.Gong Shengping,Li Junfeng. Optimal Attitude Maneuver of an Axisymmetric Spinning Solar Sail. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS,  2015 ,  51(2): 1462-1474

55.Mu Junshan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Coupled Control of Reflectivity Modulated Solar Sail for GeoSail Formation Flying. JOURNAL OF GUIDANCE CONTROL AND DYNAMICS, 2015 , 38(4): 740-751

56.Gong Shengping,Li Junfeng. Planetary capture and escape in the planar four-body problem. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2015, 357(2)

57.Gong Shengping,Li Junfeng. Analytical criteria of Hill stability in the elliptic restricted three body problem. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2015,  358(2)

58.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Asteroid capture using lunar flyby. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH , 2015, 56(5): 848-858

59.Gong Shengping,Li Junfeng,Jiang Fanghua. Interplanetary trajectory design for a hybrid propulsion system. AEROSPACE SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY , 2015, 45: 104-113

60.Gong Shengping,Li Junfeng. A New Inclination Cranking Method for a Flexible Spinning Solar Sail. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 2015, 51(4): 2680-2696

61.Mu Junshan,Gong Shengping,Ma Pengbin, Li JunFeng. Dynamics and control of flexible spinning solar sails under reflectivity modulation. ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH, 2015,  56(8): 1737-1751

62.Tang Gao,Jiang FangHua,Li JunFeng. Low-thrust trajectory optimization of asteroid sample return mission with multiple revolutions and moon gravity assists. SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, 2015,  58(11)

63.Zhang Yun,Baoyin Hexi,Li Junfeng. Effects of orbital ellipticity on collisional disruptions of rubble-pile asteroids. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2015,  360(1)

64.Wu Zhigang,Jiang Fanghua,Li Junfeng. Extension of frozen orbits and Sun-synchronous orbits around terrestrial planets using continuous low-thrust propulsion. ASTROPHYSICS AND SPACE SCIENCE, 2015,  360(1)

65.Mu Junshan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Coupled Control of Reflectivity Modulated Solar Sail for GeoSail Formation Flying, Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2014, 37(1):1-12

66.Zeng Xiangyuan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Fast solar sail rendezvous mission to near Earth asteroids. Acta Astronautica, 2014, 105:40-56.

67.Cai Xingshan, Chen Yang, Li Junfeng. Low-thrust trajectory optimization in a full ephemeris model. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 2014, 30(5):615-627

68.He Jing, Gong Shengping, Jiang Fanghua, Li Junfeng. Time-optimal rendezvous transfer trajectory for restricted cone-angle range solar sails. Acta Mechanica Sinica,2014, 30(5):628-635

69.Zeng Xiangyuan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng.Earth-crossing asteroid intercept mission with a solar sail spacecraft. IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 2014, 29(10): 4-15

70.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Solar sail heliocentric elliptic displaced orbits. Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 2014, 37(6): 2021-2025.

71.Zhang Zhiguo,Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Lorentz force time-optimal transfer trajectory design in Jovian magnetic field. Advances in Space Research, 2014

72.Zhang Zhiguo,Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. The fuel-optimal trajectory for finite-thrust LUNAR ASCENT. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2014,39(12): 675-684.

73.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Solar Sail Halo Orbit Control using Reflectivity Control Devices. Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, 2014, 57(5): 279-288.

74.Hu Xiaosai, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Attitude stability criteria of axisymmetric solar sail. Advance in Space Research,2014,54(1): 72-81.

75.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng, Simo Jules. Orbital Motions of a Solar Sail Around the L2 Earth-Moon Libration Point. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2014, 37(4): 1349+-

76.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Fuel consumption for interplanetary missions of solar sailing. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,2014,57(3): 521-531.

77.Zhang Peng, Li Junfeng, Gong Shengping. Fuel-optimal trajectory design using solar electric propulsion under power constraints and performance degradation. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,2014,57(6): 1090-1097.

78.Wang Xianyu,Gong Shengping, Junfeng Li. A method for classifying orbits near asteroids. Acta Mechanica Sinica,2014, 30(3): 316-325.

79.Hexi Baoyin, Junfeng Li. A survey on orbital dynamics and navigation of asteroid missions. Acta Mechanica Sinica,2014, 30(3): 282-293.

80.Chen Yang,  Baoyin Hexi,  Li Junfeng. Accessibility of Main-Belt Asteroids via Gravity Assists. Journal of Guidance, Control and Dynamics. 2014,37(2): 623-632

81.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Spin-stabilized solar sail for displaced solar orbits. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2014, 32(1):188-199

82.Jiang Yu, Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng, Li Hengnian. Orbits and manifolds near the equilibrium points around a rotating asteroid. Astrophysics and Space Science,2014, 349(1): 83-106

83.Ma Xue, Li Junfeng. Artificial frozen orbits around Mercury. Astrophysics and Space Science,2013, 348(2): 345-365

84.Ma Xue, Li Junfeng. Distant quasi-periodic orbits around Mercury. Astrophysics and Space Science, 2013, 343(1): 83-93.

85.Guo Tieding, Li Junfeng, Baoyin Hexi, Jiang Fanghua. Pseudospectral methods for trajectory optimization with interior point constraints: Verification and applications. IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 2013,49(3):2005-2017

86.Jin Jin, Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng.Attitude scheme for satellite with defective inertia characteristic. Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology, 2013,85(5):422-431

87.Mu Junshan, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. Reflectivity-controlled solar sail formation flying for magnetosphere mission. Aerospace Science and Technology, 2013, 30(1):339-348

88.Baoyin Hexi, Yu Yang, Li Junfeng. Orbital maneuver for a rotating tethered system via tidal forces. Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2013, 50(5):1060-1068

89.Ma Xue, Li Junfeng, Baoyin Hexi, et al. Distant orbits around Mercury. Advances in the Astronautical Sciences, 2012, 145: 231-239

90.He Jing, Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng. A curved surface solar radiation pressure force model for solar sail deformation. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy,2012,55(1): 141-155

91.Gong Shengping, Li Junfeng, Baoyin Hexi. A new solar sail orbit.  Science China Technological Sciences,2012,55(3): 848-855

92.Li Zhengxue, Li Junfeng, Baoyin Hexi. Sensitivity analysis for a type of statically stable sailcrafts.  Acta Mechanica Sinica,2012, 28(2): 532-542

93.Qi Feng, Bi Laiye, Wang Tianshu, Li Junfeng. The experimental study on the contact process of passive walking. Acta Mechanica Sinica,2012, 28(4): 1163-1168

94.Jiang Fanghua, Baoyin Hexi, Li Junfeng. Practical Techniques for Low-Thrust Trajectory Optimization with Homotopic Approach. Journal of Guidance Control and Dynamics, 2012, 35(1): 245-258

95.Guo Tieding, Jiang Fanghua, Li Junfeng. Homotopic approach and pseudospectral method applied jointly to low thrust trajectory optimization. Acta Astronautica, 2012, 71 (1-2): 38-50